كيف يؤثر النوم على الالتهاب والسكته القلبية الوعائية
Everyone knows that getting a good night’s sleep helps us wake up refreshed—but sleep is also really great for your heart health. According to a recent study published by AJPC, optimal sleep can have a positive impact on reducing inflammation and cardiovascular mortality.
In this 2021 study, researchers evaluated the association between sleep duration, C-reactive protein (CRP), baseline CV risk, and incident CV mortality. They used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey linked with the cause of death data from the National Center for Health Statistics for adults.
The results indicated that a sleep duration of six to seven hours was the most optimal for heart health. Participants who reported less than six or greater than seven hours of sleep had a higher risk of CV death attributable to inflammation, after accounting for confounders. These findings suggest an important relationship between sleep duration, inflammation, and CV risk.